xpathArray(array(".//h2[contains(@class, 'title')]/a/@href", ".//div[contains(@class, 'organic-offer-wrapper')]/a[contains(@href, 'product-detail')]/@href"))) return $urls; $html = $this->dom->saveHTML(); // category page if (!preg_match('/aggregationSearchPage\(({.+?}\));/ims', $html, $matched)) return array(); if (!preg_match('/DATA: ({.+?}]})\s\s\s/ims', $matched[1], $matched_data)) return array(); if (!$items = json_decode(trim($matched_data[1]), true)) return array(); if (!isset($items['itemList'])) return array(); $urls = array(); foreach ($items['itemList'] as $item) { if (!isset($item['productDetailUrl'])) continue; $urls[] = $item['productDetailUrl']; } return $urls; } public function parseTitle() { return $this->xpathScalar(".//h1"); } public function parseDescription() { return $this->xpathScalar("//div[@id='J-rich-text-description']/text()"); } public function parsePrice() { if ($price = $this->xpathScalar(".//*[@class='ma-spec-price ma-price-promotion']")) return $price; if ($price = $this->xpathScalar(".//meta[@property='og:price:amount']/@content")) { $this->currency = $this->xpathScalar(".//meta[@property='og:price:currency']/@content"); } return $price; } public function parseOldPrice() { if ($price = $this->xpathScalar(".//*[@class='ma-spec-price ma-price-original']")) return $price; } public function parseManufacturer() { } public function parseImg() { $image = $this->xpathScalar(".//meta[@property='og:image']/@content"); if ($image && !preg_match('/^https?:/', $image)) return 'https:' . $image; } public function parseImgLarge() { } public function parseExtra() { $extra = array(); $extra['features'] = array(); $names = $this->xpathArray(".//*[@class='do-entry-list']//dt[@class='do-entry-item']"); $values = $this->xpathArray(".//*[@class='do-entry-list']//dd[@class='do-entry-item-val']"); $feature = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($names); $i++) { $feature['name'] = trim(\sanitize_text_field($names[$i]), ':'); $feature['value'] = \sanitize_text_field($values[$i]); $extra['features'][] = $feature; } return $extra; } public function isInStock() { return true; } } Home One - Best2buy.in
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